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Swimming Pools and Lessons in Kiel/Hamburg - | Europas aktivstes Triathlon Forum
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Alt 22.02.2012, 12:05   #1
sagt "Hallo allerseits!"
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Swimming Pools and Lessons in Kiel/Hamburg

Hallo! Firstly, I apologise that I must write in English...I am slowly learning German but it is a difficult language!

I have now moved to Kiel and am looking for some advice regarding swimming. My first question is - where to swim? I have tried the University pool, but it is far too busy (12 people in one lane the other day!) and is now shut for maintenance for a few months. I also tried the pool in Gaarden in the mornings but there are no lanes, and lots of old ladies swimming breaststroke over the entire pool. Maybe someone has some experience with some other options?

My second question - I want to have some swimming lessons, maybe just once or twice a month for the next few months. My 1500m time is currently around 25mins, but I would like to target somewhere closer to 21-22mins. I am prepared to go a little further to Hamburg for some good quality lessons - preferably with some form of video analysis also (but this is not entirely necessary). If anyone could give me some advice regarding this, that would be great.

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Alt 22.02.2012, 13:15   #2
Registriert seit: 13.11.2009
Ort: Bern
Beiträge: 1.198
Hi Nic,
have you thought of joining one of the city's swimming clubs? I was training with Wiking Kiel (water polo), but I know that they have master's training. That would at least be a starting point. And if you are a student, then there are some more training sessions throughout the day (but that might be above your level). While I was learning for my finals, I was doing a lot of work-outs two-ish. Then there is less traffic and only sports swimmers/triathletes.
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Alt 22.02.2012, 13:42   #3
Benutzerbild von jannjazz
Registriert seit: 10.08.2011
Ort: Metropolregion Hamburg, auf dem Dorf
Beiträge: 5.960
I´m training in Neumünster, half way to Hamburg from Kiel. We have an Olympic Pool all year and members only lanes for the local triathletes 3 times a week. Also we have a good trainer and interesting athletes. For more details send a pm or meet me at Marathon Kiel this saturday.
Funkateers lend me your ears! Maze „Joy & Pain“
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Alt 22.02.2012, 14:00   #4
Benutzerbild von MatthiasR
Registriert seit: 27.08.2009
Ort: Angelbachtal
Beiträge: 3.321
Zitat von NickF Beitrag anzeigen
I have now moved to Kiel and am looking for some advice regarding swimming. My first question is - where to swim?
It seems USC Kiel is the triathlon club in the region - even though the 'S' in the name stands for 'ski'.

But according to their website they are swimming in the university pool, which is closed at moment (as you said).

Best regards, Matthias
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