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Alt 24.11.2021, 17:41   #185
Frau Müller
Benutzerbild von Frau Müller
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... Zurückgehalten beim schwimmen, überflutete Radstecke und 2x Dixieklo beim Laufen.
Hätte, wäre, wenn...
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Alt 25.11.2021, 16:14   #186
Benutzerbild von cardon
Registriert seit: 14.06.2015
Ort: Zürich
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Slightly off-topic aber noch ein Update vom IM Cozumel... Ich habe keinen Threat für Ruedi Wild gefunden und es ist ja aufgrund seines guten Abschneidens dort:

My last dance
Just minutes after crossing the finish line. Moments of relief, happiness and just being fully alive. For the first time in years I felt I have finally cracked the code of long distance racing - even more in hot conditions! (and as a bonus, from what I have heard, becoming the 3th fastest athlete ever on long distance behind Jan & Kristian 😉
These are the emotions and moments we athletes are working for, that drive us, day in and day out, to give our very best!
The same time this finish line is always the start of something new. Time to reflect and then onto the next chapter with new goals, that drive our excitement and fill up our daily life.
Moments of racing in Kona are vivid, but after denying the slot now definitely remain memories. Hell yeah, its time for something new!
More infos will follow the next days...
Thanks for all your love and overwhelming messages - these make me think not to let you be sitting in the dark for much longer.
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Alt 25.11.2021, 22:03   #187
Benutzerbild von longo
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Kristian Blummenfelt wants to turn pro cyclist after 2024

Victor Campenaerts is said to have heard from Blummenfelt’s trainer that the Norwegian wants to focus on professional cycling in addition to Hawaii and the Olympics in Paris. “In 2023 he would like to become a trainee with a WorldTour team to be able to ride a few races. In 2024 he would then like to defend his Olympic title, but after that he will switch completely to cycling, to compete at the highest level there.”

... und bei Olympia 2028 dann Olympiagold im Gewichtheben oder Mister Universum..
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Alt 25.11.2021, 22:13   #188
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The Training Secrets Behind the Norwegians’ Phenomenal Ironman Debuts

Wurde ja hier schon etwas versucht zu analysieren, vllt bringt der Artikel ja neue Aspekte…

Dazu wurden die Strava Files der Langdistanzen und Trainingsdaten und Insights vom Trainer genutzt…
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Alt 25.11.2021, 22:27   #189
Benutzerbild von DocTom
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Ort: HH, oder fast...
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...the Training Secrets Behind the Norwegians’ Phenomenal Ironman Debuts…
Danke, das ist ja sehr viel Einsicht in seine Trainingszonen!

The training zone distributions are set by Strava’s algorithm, but for Iden they worked out to be:

Active Recovery (>4:00/km ...)
Endurance (3:26-4:00/km ...)
Tempo (3:05-3:26/km ...)
Threshold (2:53-3:05/km ...)
VO2max (2:43-2:53/km ...)
Fast (<2:43/km ...)
That means that Iden’s Ironman pace was ~3:40/km or 5:53 min/mile pace, which falls in his training Zone 2. And most of his runs in Zone 1 were at ~4:30/km or 7:16 min/mile pace (approximately 80% of his Ironman pace). According to Couzens, Iden’s best recent 5K (that can be found online) is 14:07 (~2:49/km or ~4:30 min/mile pace), i.e. smack bang in his VO2max zone as we’d expect
„Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist wie ein Kreis mit Radius Null. Und das nennen sie dann ihren Standpunkt.„

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)
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Alt 25.11.2021, 22:33   #190
Registriert seit: 29.10.2012
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Danke, das ist ja sehr viel Einsicht in seine Trainingszonen!

Ja fast schon krass simpel, lockere Einheiten wirklich locker und schnelle Einheiten richtig schnell.
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Alt 25.11.2021, 22:48   #191
Benutzerbild von DocTom
Registriert seit: 19.12.2016
Ort: HH, oder fast...
Beiträge: 10.167
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Ja fast schon krass simpel, lockere Einheiten wirklich locker und schnelle Einheiten richtig schnell.
Genau so...

The conclusion here? Aside from having a ridiculous amount of natural talent (and an impressive work ethic, no doubt), the Norwegian secret to running a 2:34 in your debut Ironman marathon has a lot to do with keeping your hard days hard—and your easy days very, very easy.
Schinde dich oder erhole dich. So einfach...
„Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist wie ein Kreis mit Radius Null. Und das nennen sie dann ihren Standpunkt.„

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)
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Alt 26.11.2021, 05:45   #192
Benutzerbild von tridinski
Registriert seit: 03.09.2009
Ort: Vulkaneifel2Wetterau
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Super Link, Danke

"So what’s the greatest thing for you to apply to your training? “Remember that the assumption that if we train at a higher intensity we get more aerobic benefit is fundamentally flawed,” Couzens said. “There is a ‘correct’ intensity for our easy sessions that gets us the maximal adaptation—and any energy expended above this point is wasted energy that could be better directed towards our higher intensity sessions. This is the lesson that Gustav and his coaching team totally get and, in my opinion, it’s a lesson that many age-groupers would benefit from adopting, even if they are not training at the same volumes or paces as the speedy Gustav.”"


slow is smooth and smooth is fast
swim by feel, bike for show, run to win
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