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EUR 199,- | Europas aktivstes Triathlon Forum - Einzelnen Beitrag anzeigen - Lässt Du Dich gegen Corona impfen?
Einzelnen Beitrag anzeigen
Alt 21.07.2021, 09:19   #3677
Registriert seit: 29.10.2012
Beiträge: 1.882
Zitat von aequitas Beitrag anzeigen
Eben darum geht es doch: aktuell gibt es nicht ausreichend Evidenz zum besseren Nutzen-Risiko-Verhältnis bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Hier und vor allem bei Twitter wird allerdings vorgegangen als sei es eine Inquisition gegen eigens identifizierte Pseudo-Wissenschaftler. Hier noch ausschnittsweise das Statement aus GB:

JCVI has carefully examined the risk of COVID-19 to children and young people. The evidence strongly indicates that almost all children and young people are at very low risk from COVID-19. Where symptoms are seen in children and young people, they are typically mild, and little different from other mild respiratory viral infections which circulate each year. The incidence of severe outcomes from COVID-19 in children and young people is extremely low. In England, between February 2020 and March 2021 inclusive, fewer than 30 persons aged less than 18 years died because of COVID-19, corresponding to a mortality rate of 2 deaths per million. During the second wave of the pandemic in the UK, the hospitalisation rate in children and young people was 100 to 400 per million. Most of those hospitalised had severe underlying health conditions.

Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome Temporally associated with SARS-COV2 infection (PIMS-TS), also called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), is a rare inflammatory disorder related to previous recent SARS-COV2 infection. During the second wave, PIMS-TS was estimated to occur in 5 per 10,000 children infected with SARS-CoV2 in the UK, with a case fatality ratio of 1%. The underlying cause for PIMS-TS is not properly understood. Specifically, it is not known how COVID-19 vaccination might influence the occurrence or severity of PIMS-TS. JCVI’s view is that the available data are insufficient to advise on COVID-19 vaccination for the prevention of PIMS-TS. JCVI will continue to review and update this advice as new data emerge.

Concerns have been raised regarding post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (long COVID) in children. Emerging large-scale epidemiological studies indicate that this risk is very low in children, especially in comparison with adults, and similar to the sequelae of other respiratory viral infections in children.
Wir haben 1 300 000 Minderjährige (lt-

Wäre also statistisch:
1 totes Kind
100 - 400 mit schweren Fälle im Krankenhaus
650 Kinder mit dem PIMS --> nochmal 1 % versterben:
1 totes Kind an PIMS durch Covid 19.
Long Covid noch nicht ganz klar.

Ausgehend davon das wir nix machen um sie zu schützen / Impfen, was dazu führen dürfte, dass sich 99 % der Kinder früher oder später anstecken.

Oder habe ich mich verrechnet?

Edit: war in der Tat verrechnet, longo hat korrigiert:

Wir haben in D nicht 1,3 Mio Minderjährige, sondern 13 Mio Minderjährige,

Du darfst also Deine Zahlen x 10 nehmen
und 1 % von 650 sind nicht 1 sondern 6,5

26 Tote Kinder (2 Tote pro Mio)
65 Tote Kinder (1 % von 6500 PIMS)
Das wäre in der Summe 91 tote Kinder

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