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Forum: Challenge Roth 09.06.2013, 05:54
Antworten: 16
Hits: 6.429
Erstellt von mytrilife
I need to check this forum more often. I want...

I need to check this forum more often. I want apartment, not hotel in Nuremberg!
Forum: Challenge Roth 22.05.2013, 19:17
Antworten: 12
Hits: 16.408
Erstellt von mytrilife
Thank you all. I have booked a room in Nuremberg...

Thank you all.

I have booked a room in Nuremberg with free cancellation, so that I can keep looking for something closer to the race site without worry!
Forum: Challenge Roth 21.05.2013, 20:59
Antworten: 12
Hits: 16.408
Erstellt von mytrilife
I found some reasonably priced apartments, but I...

I found some reasonably priced apartments, but I think I will have to phone from Canada. It's surprising when there is no contact email!
Forum: Challenge Roth 21.05.2013, 02:30
Antworten: 12
Hits: 16.408
Erstellt von mytrilife
I don't mind camping, but I think my wife would...

I don't mind camping, but I think my wife would take exception!

Thanks for the suggestion though.
Forum: Challenge Roth 17.05.2013, 18:36
Antworten: 12
Hits: 16.408
Erstellt von mytrilife
It's Challenge Roth! A must do triathlon! A...

It's Challenge Roth! A must do triathlon!

A Mountie suit would be funny. But it's Bavaria, lederhosen might be more suitable. ;)

You must all try Challenge Penticton in Canada. Amazing race.
Forum: Challenge Roth 15.05.2013, 20:47
Antworten: 12
Hits: 16.408
Erstellt von mytrilife
Thanks! I always find the best time to find...

Thanks! I always find the best time to find accommodation for popular races is to book very early or very late when people cancel.

I am not worried as we will likely stay in Nuremberg, unless we...
Forum: Challenge Roth 15.05.2013, 19:06
Antworten: 12
Hits: 16.408
Erstellt von mytrilife
Accommodation: Homestay in Roth gesucht!


My German is not very good, but I think this is the right place to ask about accommodation for Roth?

My wife and I, both competing, are travelling from Canada, and need an apartment from...
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