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Alt 30.03.2018, 15:01   #7
Registriert seit: 10.01.2013
Beiträge: 903
Aufklärung ist nicht nötig.
Die Menschen wissen schon, was gesund ist und was nicht.
Sie kommen nur gegen ihr Unterbewusstes nicht an.
Stichwort: "The Hungry Brain".

s. Stephan Guyenet

In dem Buch geht Guyenet der Frage nach, warum wir uns, obwohl wir es eigentlich genau wissen, falsch ernähren.
Seine Antwort liegt im Unterbewussten des Gehirns:
"The conflict between the conscious and the nonconscious brain explains why we overeat even though we don't want to. Although we try to control our behavior using the conscious parts of our brains, the nonconscious parts work to undermine our good intentions.

The nonconscious brain that guides our everyday eating behavior isn't just one system; it's a collection of many unique systems that reside in distinct areas of the brain. Modern research has given us incredible insights into these systems and how they affect our eating behavior, yet much of this information is only accessible to people with extensive science backgrounds. In this book, I'll decode these findings and take you on a tour of some of the most influencial brain systems that drive us to overeat."
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