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Alt 15.09.2017, 15:01   #11
Benutzerbild von LidlRacer
Registriert seit: 01.02.2008
Beiträge: 18.659
Viele inklusive meiner Wenigkeit haben wahrscheinlich nicht so genau mitbekommen, wie große Schwierigkeiten Daniela Ryf monatelang im Frühjahr mit ihrem Rücken hatte.

Sutton stellt es jetzt jedenfalls recht dramatisch dar:
"Danni’s back problem was dire, as she has alluded to in her social media. If she had her way, and medical opinion had its way, there would have been no Chattanooga, no upcoming Kona, and definitely no Roth! It was that bad. However we discussed the situation, and decided on following the coaches plan. The same plan that has seen Corinne Abraham have a great season culminating in qualifying for Kona. A plan that is used for injured horses that can’t do the normal training volumes and routines.
So only now do we think of Kona, and go to work on that goal. Yes, Danni had not done any of her Kona workouts from the last 2 years because of the back injury. However scary it might be, she is at not at top fitness but I’ll make it very clear, she went to Chattanooga 100% in war mode!
There will only be one certainty in Kona – if you want to take the title off the injured bird then you are going to have to be prepared to fight to the death for it! It is her way. It is the Trisutto way!"
Against all Odds!

Weiß nicht, ob Daniela sich mal ausführlicher zu dem Problem geäußert hat als hier im Mai:
"Friday night sauna session
I kind of prefer to sweat on tredmill or turbo, but due to some back problems my coach included some alternative sessions.
I started to do long walks instead of hard runs, sauna i stead of turbo and warm jets after light swimming.
As my back has been a problem for a while, we did an MRI to double check. No need to worry, all is fine and i can train easy. Thats a positive thing. 😊The problem is some very tight spots and now i just need to be patient, go step by step and do the best i can each day. I'm in good hands and will keep you updated.
#SuccesIsToMakeTheBestOutOfEverySituation #DoWhatYouCan"

Mag sein, dass sie immer noch etwas Trainingsrückstand hat, so dass es nicht für neue Rekorde reicht. Aber an ihrem Sieg habe ich keine Zweifel, sofern der Rücken hält.

Im Moment macht sie übrigens ein ca. 4-wöchiges Heat Camp auf Maui.
Klingt nicht nach der schlechtesten Idee.
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