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EUR 199,- | Europas aktivstes Triathlon Forum - Einzelnen Beitrag anzeigen - Lässt Du Dich gegen Corona impfen?
Einzelnen Beitrag anzeigen
Alt 06.05.2021, 17:40   #2561
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Zu Deiner Quelle:
Campaign Life Coalition
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Campaign Life Coalition (sometimes shortened to Campaign Life) is a Canadian political lobbyist organization founded in 1978.[1] Based in Toronto, the organization advocates for socially conservative values.[2] It opposes abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, assisted reproductive technologies, same-sex marriage, and gender identity legislation.

Und falls jetzt jemand kommt: "Aber Wikipedia....."
Das ist der Artikel darunter:
Planned Parenthood’s partnership with China – does it cross the line to treason?
Planned Parenthood may have crossed the red line to treason, as evidence strongly implies that DNA obtained from aborted babies supplied to China by American Planned Parenthood facilities may be contributing to the development of a bioweapon (virus) that could bring America and the rest of the world into submission to China.